Alshifa Natural Herbal Pharma

Gum-Arabic, Gond Kikar

گوند کیکر

Price: On Call

Arabic Name : Samaghe ‘Arabee, Aqaaqiyaa, Akakia
Bengali Name : Babla, Babul
Chinese Name : A la pai chiao, Jiao Shu
English Name : Indian Gum-arabic, Gum Acacia, Babul, Wattle Bark, Babool
French Name : acacia à gomme, Gommier rouge
German Name : Gummiarabicabaum, Arabischer Gummibaum
Gujarati Name : Kaloabaval, Baval
Hindi Name : Keekar, Kikar, Babul, Babool, Babla, Babur
Kannada Name : Babbuli, Baunijali, Bobbuli, Karijali, Ramakanti
Kashmiri Name : Sak
Latin name : Acacia arabica Willd.
Marathi Name : Babhul
Persian Name : Khare-Mughilan
Punjabi Name : Kikkar
Sanskrit Name : Vabboola, Vabbula, Barbura, Babula
Urdu Name : Babul, Gond Babul, Gond Kikar, Khadir

SKU: h-01 Category:

Gum-Arabic, Gond Kikar

The gum is analgesic, antidiarrhoeal, antimicrobial, antipyretic, aphrodisiac, astringent, cooling, demulcent, emollient, expectorant, haemostatic, liver tonic, mucilaginous, nutritive, styptic and tonic. It is traditionally used, as a strong decoction, in the treatment of gonorrhoea with oedema, cough, diarrhoea, as a gargle for spongy gums, aphthous stomatitis, cancer and sore throat, or as a douche or enema in gonorrhoea, cystitis, vaginitis, leucorrhoea, piles, and anal prolapse. It is helpful in managing conditions involving haemorrhagic ulcers and wounds, dysentery, diabetes mellitus, conjunctivitis, intermitted fever, burns, bleeding, catarrh, urinogenital discharges, sexual debility, seminal weakness, spermatorrhoea, nocturnal emission and genitourinary complaints. It is considered a remedy that is helpful for treating premature ejaculation.


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